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Revolution (Switzerland)

Code: 0410 17146 149
© Hasbro, 2009

Dimensions of the box: 40.3 cm x 27.0 cm x 6.7 cm

Diameter of the game board: 50.2 cm

Except for the round game board in this version are of course also a number of new things to discover, like:

    On the game board, a number of new, vanished or moved
  • Water Works moved from space 28 to space 2
  • The Station spaces are replaced by 4 new, black spaces; walking, cycle, car and rocket-zone while the Stations have moved 2 or 3 places forward
  • The Chance and Community Chest spaces have disappeared and are replaced by a Chance facility in the Card Reader.
  • The Jail corner space now only shows a cell door with a large key lock on an orange circle, but the rascal "Jake the Jailbird" is no longer shown!
  • The Electric Company has moved from space 12 to 36 in order to make room for the new utility Telecommunications
  • The Free Parking corner space with the red car became a white car on a red circle
  • The equally new utility Gas Company is on space 22, midway between the red streets
  • The policeman on the 3rd corner ("Officer Edgar Mallory") is a white male on a blue circle
  • The Super Tax space now shows a colorless diamond ring
  • Mr. Monopoly does not appear from the middle of the MONOPOLY name in the middle of the board
    This game again has a card reader and credit cards instead of banknotes, but this version is more sophisticated, because:
  • In order to receive money the credit card must be put in the slot near the green button and to pay in the slot near the red one
  • On several occasions, like being sent to prison, passing over Start, etc., the card reader produces a melody. And there are quite a number, such as: Bad Day - Umbrella - Drive my Car - Revolution - These Boots are made for Walkin' - Crazy in love - I'm so excited - Bicycle Race - Celebration - Rocket Man - Happy Birthday and the Wedding March
  • If you land on or pass by Start you have to put your credit card in the slot near the green button and push the arrow to collect your salary
  • If one player has to pay the other they both put their pass in the right slot after which the amount must be put in. This is debitted from the one pass and creditted from the other
    • If you land on a (black) zone space you have two options:
    • either you choose a random area on the board and give all players there a chance by pushing on the middle button, the so-called Zone button. As the accompanying image appears on the display, press again. The Zone melody starts to play and the Chance instructions slide over the display
    • either you move to the next unsold field and let it be auctioned
  • However, you also can get a Chance "card" at at any time. So pay attention to the Chance melody and the "?" symbol on the display. This Chance is for the player who just took his/her pass out the card reader
  • The decimal point on the card reader is to regulate the volume of the melodies. But if you don't feel the need to hear the tunes again and again, then turn the volume in the lowest position, so you just hear beebs
  • To auction properties the banker makes an (unspecified) time available by pressing the Deal button (the two hands) of the timer

The property deeds of this edition differ significantly from the traditional one: In addition to being substancially smaller (45x75 mm) there is no longer a color bar, but more of a color patch.

Hasbro has also, only for this edition (?), abandoned the traditional locomotive on the station spaces. It became a modern high-speed train. Would Hasbro, after 75 years, also prefer to give a very contemporary form to its tokens? They are very nice, transparent shields with a colour image on a base. The images are again of the familiar hat - shoe - dog - iron - boat and car. Also the plastic houses and hotels got a nicer and more modern appearance!

It only took 75 years or so, but someone finally got around to doing a first-rate redesign of the classic Monopoly board. Monopoly Revolution eschews the game's traditional square surface for a modern circular board, while retaining all the fun gameplay of the original. New features include updated "here and now" pricing, an electronic game pod that keeps track of players' money — via electronic banking cards — and also provides sound effects and song clips that correspond with events in the game.

This is a remarkably white game: not only both parts of the box are white, but the customized plastic Banker's tray and the playside of the round board as well. Is it a coincidence the first board of the so-called inventor, Charles B. Darrow was painted on a large, round tablecloth while more than 75 years later again a round game board appears, but a lot smaller and in a circulation of various millions.

This beautiful version is again a clear progress compared to the City edition having its centre field full of rickety tower blocks!


Based on the first 4 numbers of the refence number of an edition we, collectors, can follow the order of issue. (The last 3 digits after the reference number is the country number given by Hasbro.)

Only during the examination of the different versions of Revolution it appeared that, since more than a year, the plants in East Longmeadow, USA and Waterford, Ireland are putting almost invisible (in white) production numbers on one of the rims of the lid, before the shrink wrap around the box is applied.

From that it can be deciphered at what moment a set was manufactured. It is therefore interesting, because in addition to the date of design of the game, i.e. the first 4 digits of the reference, the manufacturing date of the set can be known.

Swiss only information

Swiss Edition - Schweizer Ausgabe - Edition Suisse Instruzione in Italiano inclus

The red sticker on the foil show the text: "Mit Musik & Soundeffekten! /Version Électronique * 32 Geräusche/Sons * 10 Musikhits/ hits musicaux * Bankkartenleser/ Banque interactive"

Although the game, according to the ref.nr. was already designed April 2009 and manufactured July 21 it was not published until September 2009.

The streets on this board are those from the bilingual Swiss edition with streets from 18 cities.

So they start from Los/Départ with: Chur/Coire: Kornplatz - Schaffhausen/Schaffhouse: Vordergasse - ... and stop before Los/Départ with: Zürich/Zurich: Paradeplatz - Lausanne/Lausanne: Place St-François - ...

































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