Classic Versions 2008 - 2014 - Brand New Design (UK)
Square Box Standard Edition
Ref. 0408 00009 102
Publisher: Parker
Square Box Standard Edition
Ref. 1009 00009 102
Publisher: Hasbro
This new box is more of the "Monopoly Green" that has been seen on the board for many years and was exclusively revealed on this website.
The front, being mainly green, has four of the colours from the properties in or close to the corners. Green - Top left; Dark Blue - Top Right; Orange - Bottom Left; Purple - Bottom Right, but the top left chanegd to Yellow when it was published by Hasbro, not Parker.
Mr. Monopoly is placed above the work Monopoly on the front in the middle, about the middle "O" and underneath the word is written "The Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game". Underneath this wording is a view of the "Go" corner of the board. Top left of the front of the box is like a sticker, but printed, saying "Play Faster with Speed Die" and a picture of the extra red die.
The back of the box colour is "Monopoly Red" with information about the game down one side, "How to make it in Monopoly.." on the right and a viewm of the board in the middle. The bottom quarter of the back of the box is mainly blue showing different ways to play Monopoly online.
The price of this set amounted to approximately £17 in 2008.
Later in 2008, the box was updated by Hasbro and it's logo was added. Shown are the differences between the small writing and code. The first four numbers of the code tell you the month/year this edition was printed.
European Box Standard Edition
Ref. 44021
Publisher: Parker
Square Box Standard Edition
Ref. 0411 00009 102
Publisher: Hasbro
The year is 2011 and there is a new print run.
This run still has lots of of the "Monopoly Green" just like the 2008.
But in 2011, Hasbro also brought it out in the European size box as well. It is not officially known why it did, maybe with the square box, Monopoly was not selling as many due to not having as much shelf space in the stores?
The front, is basically the same as the square box version but expanded to accommodate all the extra space. The four colours from the properties in or close to the corners are the same as the original new look version and not with Yellow in the top left corner. They are: Green - top left; Dark Blue - Top Right; Orange - Bottom Left; Purple - Bottom Right.
Both 2011 editions have a "&sticker", but printed, in the top left of the front of the box, saying "Play Faster with Speed Die" and a picture of the extra red die. The back of the boxes are basically the same layout but with more space on the European size box, it looks a lot cleaner and tidier. Both editions have the bottom quarter of the back of the box is mainly blue showing different ways to play Monopoly online.
The price of this set amounted to approximately £20 in 2011 and probably both were the same price.
European Box Standard Edition
Ref. Nr. 1112 A3856 102
5 New Tokens
This is the European size box with the same on the back, but the front is the square box design on the left due to the right hand side showing that it is a special edition with a &Golden Token Bonus" and has "5 Limited Edition Tokens".
The 5 new tokens were: cat, wedding ring, robot, guitar, and helicopter.
All the tokens (13 in total including the original eight) were in a luxurious gold colour. The set also included the speed die for a faster, more intense game of Monopoly which had already been introduced a few years back.
This set was in fact released early 2013, though dated 2012 when it was manufactured.
Square Box Standard Edition
Ref. Nr. 0513 00009 348
"Now including THE CAT! VOTED NO.1 New TOKEN!
2013 and we are back to the green square box design, but other than up to date revisions, the Cat token is added to the token line up replacing the iron. This is why the previous version came out as an internet vote voted the cat to replace the iron from five tokens which were: robot, helicopter, guitar, diamond ring, and cat. With the internet vote, people had to vote which token it should replace and the vote went with the iron.
As for the design of the box, the cat suprisingly not shown on the front of the box to advertise it was a new set originally, but was shown that it was included on the back of the box, but when Hasbro did a reprint, a big yellow sticker showing the cat was added to the front of the box.
Square Box Standard Edition
Lot Number: XXXX
This looks to be basically a reprint of the 2013 version escept no "Cat" sticker on the front and a lot less detail on the back of the box.
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