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version 2000

versie 2000.


Edition: November 26, 2006


Canada map.It is obvious that American Monopoly editions have been available in Canada from the very early start in 1935.
Many of them have even been manufactured by Canadian licencees like The Copp Clark Publishing Co.Ltd. from Toronto/Vancouver/ Montreal and later Collett-Sproule Boxes Ltd. from Scarborough, Ont. (Metropolitan Toronto).

However, it lasted until 1982 (the year of full independency) before the bilingual Canadian edition was launched.


All properties of the bilingual editions from 1982 onwards are from Go:

St.John: Duckworth Street - Community Chest - Signal Hill - Income Tax/Impôt sur le revenu
CN (railway)
Fredericton: Waterloo Row - Chance - King Street - Queen Street
In Jail/En prison
two cities: University  Avenue (Charlottetown) - Telephone Company - Barrington Street (Halifax)
                    - Spring Garden Road  (Halifax
Ontario Northland (railway)
two cities: Rue St-Jean (Quebec city) - Community Chest - Rue St-Catherine (Montreal) - Rue St-Jacques (Montreal)
Free Parking/Stationnement Gratuite
two cities
: Sussex Drive (Ottawa) - Chance- Yonge Street (Toronto) - Bay Street (Toronto)
CP (railway)
two cities
:  Portage & Main (Winnipeg) - Victoria Avenue (Regina) - Gas Company - Albert Street (Regina)
Go to Jail/Allez en prison
two cities
: Jasper Avenue (Edmonton) - St.Albert Trail (Edmonton) - Community Chest - Macleod Trail (Calgary
BC (railway)
: Chance- Granville Street - Luxury Tax/ Taxe de Luxe- Douglas Street

All properties of the bilingual editions from 2000 onwards are from Go:

St.John: Water Street - Federal - Signal Hill Road - Income Tax/Impôt sur le revenu
Royal Canadien Pasifique/Canadian Pacific (railway)
two cities: University  Avenue (Charlottetown) - Esso - Barrington Street (Halifax) - Spring Garden 
                    Road  (Halifax
In Jail/En prison
Fredericton: Waterloo Row - Esso - King Street - Queen Street
CN (railway)
two cities: Grande Allée (Quebec City) - Federal - Rue St-Denis (Montreal) - Rue Ste-Catherine (Montreal
Free Parking/Stationnement Gratuite
two cities: Sussex Drive (Ottawa) - Provincial - Yonge Street (Toronto) - Bay Street (Toronto)
Ontario Northland
two cities
: Portage & Main (Winnipeg) - Victoria Avenue (Regina) - Postes Canada Post - Albert 
                   Street (Regina)
Go to Jail/Allez en prison
two cities
: Jasper Avenue (Edmonton) - St.Albert Trail (Edmonton) - Federal - Macleod Trail (Calgary
CPR (railway)
Vancouver: Provincial - Granville Street - Goods and Services Tax/Taxe sur les produits et services
- Robson Street


I was told the Yonge Street of Toronto to be the world's longest street and this is what I found on Internet, amongst a few other stories:

Yonge Street - The Longest Street in the World?

"Supposedly, Yonge Street is recognized as the longest street in the world, with a length of 1900 km. Let's take a drive along Yonge Street to check out that claim. Our drive begins at the Toronto harbor. 
One Yonge Street is the Toronto Star building. Going north, we go past the Eaton Center, and through the Yonge Street strip. 
Then north of Bloor, we drive past Rosedale and Mount Pleasant Cemetary. Still in the city, we reach Hogg's Hollow and Mel Lastman square in the former city of North York. After 18 km, we leave the city of Toronto.
Yonge Street now goes through communities of the Regional Municipality of York. First, Richmond Hill, then past Bond Lake and through Oak Ridges and Aurora. Through Newmarket, we pass house numbers in the 17000's and 18000's.
Past Newmarket, after 50 km, the road bears to the left and descends into the Holland Marsh and we find houses numbered in the 20000's. Crossing a bridge into Bradford, we find house numbers in the 200's and descending.
Huh?!? We've only travelled 56 km, and now we're no longer on Yonge Street! We're on Bridge Street instead. A little further, and we're on Holland Street, and there's no more sign of Yonge Street.
Let's look at our map book again. North of Newmarket, rather than following the main road, turn right on Holland Landing Road, then immediately right again onto an unmarked dirt road. Although one store in Holland Landing calls it "Old Yonge Street", the street signs call it just "Yonge Street". After a short jog to the left at Queensville Sideroad, Yonge Street proceeds north again, but then ends at a dead end a couple of kilometers later. House numbers here are in the 21000 range. Again, we're still no further than 56 km from 1 Yonge Street.
Clearly, this is no 1900 km long street. At 56 km, it is certainly a long street, but is that length deserving of a world record? Surely, there must be some other street longer than 56 km.
So where did this fiction come from? At one time, Yonge Street was also Ontario provincial Highway 11, which did indeed stretch for 1900 km all the way from Lake Ontario in Toronto north past North Bay to Cochrane, west through Kapuskasing and Thunder Bay, and ending at Rainy River on the border with Minnesota.

But, in the late 1990's, the provincial government downloaded responsibility for many provincial highways to the local municipalities in an effort to reduce the size of the provincial budget. Today, Highway 11 starts north of Barrie, 44 km north of where Yonge Street ends.
The street that was 1900 km long was Highway 11, not Yonge Street. And so even before provincial downloading, the claim was questionable. Strangely enough, even though the claim is so easily tested, many today still enjoy spreading the lie."



Board WITHOUT blue Treasure Chest nor Gold Ring.Edition:  Mini box, with separate board - Atlantic City
Publisher: Parker Bros. Inc/The Copp Clark Co.Ltd. - ±1936
Dimensions of the box: 16 x 19 cm 
                  of the board: 49 x 49 cm 
The game: 
This edtion is from the collection of Robert Hyatt - Russell, Manitoba - CND.

The only copyright year mentioned in the centre of the game board is 1936, meaning that this edition was made by Copp Clark some 10 years before the one mentioned next.
As one of the earliest Canada made Monopoly editions it shows on top the sketch of the precursor of "Rich Uncle Pennybags":

Reg. U.S. Patent Office
Canadian Registration M.S. 19-5674
U.S.  Patents 1.509.312 ---2.026.082 
Patented Canada.1936 ---- 362.124

An interesting point is that (all over the world, because other countries simply followed the USA) the rent of an unbuilt property of all 3  yellow streets is the same, rather than $ 24  (slightly higher) for the last one. This even continued until the new copyright year 1961.

Striking differences with the later design are:

Community Chest spaces only show a simple <-sign in a black spot, rather then a blue treasure chest.
The same for the empty "Luxury Tax" space: not yet showing the gold ring.
The Chance and Community Chest cards are not yet illustrated with funny drawings of Rich Uncle Pennybags. The Community Chest cards of these very early issues had 2 cards with soon abandoned instructions like:
We're off the Gold Standard - Collect $50.00
You have won Second Prize in a beauty contest - Collect $11.00 (instead of $10)
Note that the $-sign is missing from the hotel repair price on the concerning card:
 "You are assessed for street repairs $40.00 per house 115.00 per hotel". 
All other cards also show cents in the prices mentioned.

All other components, like the banknotes, wooden tokens and houses and hotels are exactly identical to those of the 1946 set.


Canadian "Mini Box" edition ±1946.Edition:  Mini box, with separate board - Atlantic City
Publisher: Parker Bros. Inc/The Copp Clark Co.Ltd. - ±1946
Dimensions of the box: 16 x 19 cm 
                  of the board: 49 x 49 cm 
The game: 
This edtion is from the collection of Mason Jardine - Russell, Manitoba - CND.
The set consist of a black mini box and a separate long game board, like the early American, Parker Bros. and English, Waddingtons editions. 
Note that the lid of this early Canadian Atlantic City issue do not state where the manufacturer has its seat. However, the Rules give Toronto and Montreal.
On top the sketch of the precursor of "Rich Uncle Pennybags" it says:

Reg. U.S. Patent Office
Canadian Registration M.S. 19-5674
U.S.  Patents 1.509.312 ---2.026.082 
Patented Canada.1936 ---- 362.124

Since the copyright in the centre of the game board says "1936, 1946" and the "long boxes" appeared on the market around the second half of the fourties, I would consider this mini box edition to be one of the last ones issued, so about 1946. This is confirmed by the fact that around this time the cards became illustrated with those funny situations of Rich Uncle Pennybags, while those of earlier issues were un-illustrated.
Board showing blue Treasure Chest and Gold Ring.The board has a black backing and its front is exactly like a Parker Brothers Standard game. The Chance cards are orange while the Community Chest cards are yellow.  They are already illustrated with funny drawings of Rich Uncle Pennybags, in contrast to the cards in earlier editions.
The money consists of 7 banknotes exactly the same as those in the American editions, i.e. with a copyright 1935 notice on it, printed in black on colored paper and in the denominations: 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 and 500 
There are 8 colored, wooden pawns as tokens.
The houses and hotels are of untreated rough wood. And so are the dice.

Curiously, the rules of this game (in English and French) contain a provision that a player rolling a 3 may take a Chance or Community Chest card instead of making his move.  



White box made by The Copp Clark Co.Edition: Long white box - Atlantic City
Parker Bros. Inc./The Copp Clark Co.Ltd. - ±1946
Dimensions of the box: 25 x 51 cm
                  of the board: 49 x 49 cm
The game:
This edition comes from the collection of Matthew Horton - UK. 
This is most probably the first Canadian long box (of Monopoly of course).

The board has a black backing.
The orange Chance cards and  yellow
Community Chest
cards are illustrated with 
those funny drawings of Rich Uncle Pennybags.

The rent of an unbuilt property of all 3 
  yellow streets  
is the same.

The money consists of the same 7 banknotes, 
i.e. printed in black on colored paper.

With 8 colored, wooden pawns as tokens.

The houses and hotels are of untreated 
rough wood
. The dice are of untreated wood 
and have red pips.

The set contains a Rules as well as a Règles.


Collett-Sproulle edition, nr.149. Edition: Long light yellow box - Atlantic City, Nr. 149
Parker Bros. Inc./Collett-Sproule Boxes Ltd. - ±1960
Dimensions of the box: 25 x 51 cm
                  of the board: 49 x 49 cm
The game:

This is another edition from the collection of Matthew Horton - UK.
Interesting to see that a few years after the first "long box" made by the Copp Clark Co. an almost equal edition was manufactured by a newly licenced company by the name of Collett-Sproule Boxes.
The copyright in the centre of this game board mentions the years "1936, 1946". However the appearance of the small game board in 
the left part of the red bar of the lid strongly reminds of the 
white boxes with that same "small board in a green in a 
square" of the editions issued under the copyright of 
1961 (see under). That is why I estimate this issue to be of around 1960.

The game board is the same as of the earlier edition, 
however with the Atlantic City streets on a blue green board with black backing.



White box ±1965-Atlantic City.Edition: Standard - Atlantic City - without Ref.Nr.
"Real Estate Trading Game Equipment"
Publisher: Parker Bros. Games Ltd. -Toronto - ±1965
Dimensions of the box: 25 x 51 cm
The game:
This edtion is from the collection of Mason Jardine - Russell, Manitoba - CND.
Until 1961 the licensee in each country made its own design of the box for the standard edition. However, after the long "copyrightless period" (1946-1961) Parker from 1961 on apparently introduced a more severe policy resulting a.o. in a more uniform design at least for the standard editions over the world.

This white box with "a green in blue square with Monopoly in white in a red bar" is most probably the first of the series.
Under the red Monopoly-bar is a red square with "Rich Uncle Pennybags", while the notice in the blue square is saying "Made in Canada by Parker Brothers Games Ltd. Toronto".

The backside of the board is black. The word Monopoly on the board's midfield is in closed black characters and is parallel to side one. 
Note that since the new copyright year 1961 the rent of the unbuilt property of the third yellow street is from now on $ 24, rather than the same as for the other two in the past.

The innerbox contains two cardboard inserts, one  with 7 holes for the banknotes and a red one showing not only the word Monopoly (in white characters) but also 3 of the metal tokens. However, the 6 tokens  of this edition are wooden pawns in a variety of shapes. 
The 7 banknotes are
printed in black on colored paper  and in the denominations: 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 and 500 
The Chance cards are
light blue and Community Chest ones are light yellow.
The green houses and red hotels are of plastic and uncommonly shaped.

Canadian Poleconomy.Edition: Poleconomy, Ref.4356
              The Game of Canada/Le Jeu du Canada
Publisher: Whitman Golden Ltd. - Cambridge, Ont. - ±1975/1983
Dimensions of the box: 36.8 x 58.7 cm
The game:
This game is completely bilingual and for that purpose the game board is French on one side and English on the other.

Poleconomy is meant to be a real world simulation of Economics and Politics in Canada. The game reflects the way industry, finance and government interact when private entrerprise operates within a system of parliamentary democracy. 
The launching of Poleconomy in Canada was made possible by the support and co-operation of The Fraser Institute.

In Poleconomy, each player is both Tycoon and Politician
As a Tycoon, he buys and sells some of Canada’s largest companies and advertising media, invests in insurance, buys bonds and makes takeover bids. He faces the peril of inflation and commercial disaster. His profits are taxed by a Government elected from amongst the players. 
As a Politician, each player is a member of Parliament. Further he is a member of the Government or Opposition, depending on the outcome of an election. He could be appointed Prime Minister. His decisions will then affect the financial destiny of each player in the game. Elections are held throughout the game and Government policies such as tax and spending changes can affect all players chances for accumulating wealth. 

There are two ways of playing Poleconomy

Game 1 mainly centres on the economic and financial aspects of the Canadian economy. This is the fun game for all the family. Game 1 is complete in itself. However, players will eventually want the added excitement and challenge of Game 2 - a game which incorporates the dynamics of the political process. All new players should start with Game 1.

Game 1:
The "fun game" plays as follows:

  1. The transparant little cylinder with gold arrow (Inflation Marker) has to be placed on the blue inflation circle nr. 1 opposite the blue Start corner of the Inner circuit. The direction of the arrow (clockwise or anticlockwise) can only be changed by the Prime Minister.
    Each player selects his token from the 6 colored beavers.
  2. The Basic Income differs for each player since it is determined by a throw of both dice at the start of the game, multiplied by $ 10,000. Subsequently the banker remits each player a Starting Capital of $ 300,000 plus 4x his Basic Income.
  3. Next the Prime Minister has to be elected by a throw of the dice again.
  4. When a player lands on an Inflation Square (a space with a gold figure from 1 to 5) the Prime Minister must move the I.M. around the Inflation index in the centre of the board. The number on the Inflation Circuit on which the I.M. is positioned becomes the Inflation Number, which regulates prices and profits. The only investments that can be affected by inflation are the Company and Advertising squares.
  5. At his turn a player can choose to throw the dice or move directly to a blue Corner Square, the only way to change Circuit.

    The squares a player can land on are:
    Income squares: Blue corner spaces on each of the circuits, where the Banker will pay the player his Basic Income x the number on the square.
    Start square: Player receives his Basic Income x 4.
    Company squares: Can be bought by the player who is the first to land on. The price is always 
    $  100,000 x the Inflation Number. When a player lands on a property already owned by someone else he has to pay the owner $ 100,000 x the actual Inflation Number. Should the owner himself lands on the space it is the banker who has to pay him.
    Advertising squares: The profit of posessing an Advertising Square is that the owner can direct a landing player to one of this companies.
    Opportunity squares: 3 of the Income Corners of the Outer Circuit are marked Opportunity. The landing player can then move his Beaver to any other square on the board. 
    They can also be used to force elections or government salaries or bond interest to be paid.

    The effects on the play by the other circles of the Inflation index:
    "Taxation": All players who own Company or Advertising Squares must pay Tax to the banker at the rate of $ 50,000 per Company and $ 10,000 per Advertising Square. 
    "Bonds": Players who own Government Bonds receive interest from the Bank at the rate of 100% per Bond ($ 100,000 for each Bond).
    "Government Salary": The P.M. is paid by the bank his salary of $100,000 whenever the Inflation Marker on the Inflation Index lands on Government Salary.
    "Election": The P.M. must resign whenever the I.M. on the Inflation Index track lands on Election.

    The Royal Bank of Canada - Government Bonds/Saving Interest
    : Players can convert their cash into interest earning Saving Interest Cards by giving up their throw of the dice and moving directly to the Corner Square marked Royal Bank. He also can buy Government Bonds with this bank.
    Canada Life Insurance - Live Insurance: On this square the player may take out a Life Insurance Policy  by paying the bank a premium of $ 100,000.
    Royal Insurance of Canada - Business Insurance: On this square the player may buy a Business Insurance Policy for $ 100,000 which insures against the disaster of throwing a double 6, because than he forfeits all his assets except his Life Insurance to the bank.
    McLeod Young Weir - Takeovers: A player may attempt to Takeover any Company or Advertising Square by moving to the McLeod Young Weir Corner Square. Once on this square, the player nominates the Company or Advertising Square he wants and pays a non-refundable $ 30,000 fee to the bank. He then throws 2 dice and has 2 throws to throw a double for the Takeover to succeed.

The game will end in any of the following circumstances:

If the bank runs out of money.
At the end of an agreed period of time.
By mutual agreement.

The winner is of course the player who has accumulated the most assets.

Game 2:
Includes the dynamic world of politics and plays as follows:

Step 1 to 4 are the same as with the "fun game". Then continue:

  1.  Form Political Parties: At the start of play, players on low Basic Incomes might form one party and those on high incomes another.
  2. Elect Government: To collect votes in the Parliament each player must throw the dice. A party controls the number of votes which its members together controls. The party with the majority of votes is declared to be the Government.
  3. Elect Prime Minister: The members of the Government may all agree that one of them shall be P.M.
  4. The P.M. takes control of the Treasury: The P.M., by using his Tax collecting authority and ability to issue bonds, must ensure that the Treasury  never runs completely out of the money.
  5. The P.M. appoints his cabinet and uses his financial power: The P.M. can use the powers marked "P" only with the consent of players having a majority of seats in Parliament.
    The P.M. power is:
    * He may appoint any member of the Government to any Cabinet position.
    * He may fix his own salary and that of any Minister.
    * He may pay money from the Treasury to any player (incl. himself) for any specified purpose with 
      the consent of Parliament.
    * He may decide the nature of taxes and the tax rate in the Canadian economy.
    * He can collect tax from players and deposit it in the Treasury only when the I.M. lands on "Taxation".
    * He must pay interest out of Treasury (not from the bank, as in game 1) on each Bond held by the
      bank and any player whenever the I.M. lands on "Bonds".
    * He may, at his turn, change the direction of the I.M.

The game will end in the same way as Game 1, with the exception that Game 2 will finish immediately without a winner if the Government bankrupts the Treasury!

This game has also been published in the Australian (made by John Sands), New Zealand and UK version.

This set was bought at the Essen Spiel'00 exhibition Oct.2000 at the price of DM 50 (€ 25.79).



CND-standard-±1980.Edition: Standard - Atlantic City - English - Ref.nr. A9
Publisher: Parker Bros./Gen.Mills. Can.Ltd - ±1982
Dimensions of the box: 25 x 51 cm
The game:
Although the game board only shows 1961 in the copyright rule it still must be dated about 1980 since all European editions with the same design have already the year 1982 in the copyright rule, while Parker Bros. was a division of General Mills.Ltd.
Besides, from the corresponding European editions it is obvious the white box of about 1965 to come before this more colorfull design.

This new presentation shows the dark blue streets and Go on top the red bar with Monopoly in white characters on the lid. Notice that the white dice show 3 and 5
On the midfield of the blue green game board is the word Monopoly in closed black characters. It's back is black
The rent of the unbuilt property Marvin street is $ 24.
The white innerbox contains a black plastic tray with 5 holes for all attributes and a red cardboard insert, showing a.o. tokens and houses.  
The 7 banknotes are printed in black on colored paper in denominations of 1 to 500. 
The Chance cards are light blue and the Community Chest ones are light yellow.

This edition was "Made in Canada". 



Bilingual Canadian ed. ref. A395.Edition: Canadian Edition Canadienne, Ref.nr. A395
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Div.of CPG Prod.Corp. - 1982
Dimensions of the box: 35.6 x 50.7 cm
The game:
This edtion is from the collection of Mason Jardine - Russell, Manitoba - CND.

The copyright rule, in 2 languages, in the centre of the board is a strikingly long one:
     "Registered in Canada - Marca Registrada - Trademark
      of CPG Products Corp. for its real estate trading game
      equipment, Parker Borthers, Division of General Mills
      Canada, Inc. Registered user.  -  Copyright © 1935, 1946, 1961, 1982  by Parker Brothers, Division of
      CPG Products Corp.  -  Made in Canada".
In the period between 1968 and 1985 Parker Brothers was a division of General Mills - USA. It was a very agitated and hard time for Parker Brothers, reason perhaps why this long-winded description of the registration was necessary? 

However, this is the first Canadian edition, published in its year of full independency.
Absolutely everything about this game is bilingual: the board, the title deeds, the Chance and Caisse Commune cards, the box, the rules and the explanatory notes. 
Note that there is no "Rich Uncle Pennybags" in the middle O of Monopoly, nor on the lid, nor on the game board.

Features of this nice edition are:

Monopoly is in closed black characters in the centre of the board, 
parallel to  side 1.

the game board has a brown back with gold lettering saying 
"Canadian Monopoly Canadienne".

the innerbox contains one black plastic tray with 7 spaces for 
the banknotes and long slots for the property deeds.

the bottom of the box shows 3 black and white pictures as well as 
some explaining text

the Rules booklet also explains from which 13 cities the properties are.

the  policeman in the third corner is a Mounty, a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman.

all railway spaces show the front of a Canadian train rather than the black Parker locomotive.

the Chance cards are blue while the Community Chest cards are yellow
Note: It appears that in at least the standard Canadian editions the Chance cards are always blue, in contrast to the American one's that are orange.

the 7 banknotes are printed in black on colored paper. They are in the denominations 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 and 500. The set contains to stacks of these banknotes.

the set has 10 metal tokens. Nine of them are identical to US sets: boat - thimble - iron - shoe - 
wheelbarrow - dog - horse rider - car - cannon - hat and a beaver as the special Canadian token.

This edition was "Made in Canada".



French edition of Atlantic City board, 1994. Edition: Standard - Atlantic City - French - Ref. A10
Publisher: Parker/Kenner Parker Toys - 1985
Dimensions of the box: 25 x 51 cm
The game:
This edition is from the collection of Roland Klose - D.

The design of this edition looks very similar to that of the 1982 edition. However, the lid is slightly less colorful, but shows the red bar with Rich Uncle Pennybags now, on top the picture of the last part of the 4th side of the game board. 
Note that the dice on the lid of this edition show 3 and 5 again.

The copyright line in the centre of the board says "Déposée au Canada - 1985 Kenner Parker Toys" while the Rules mention the year 1994. Because of the fact the games of this design were already issued 1985 in various European countries I assume this was the case in Canada as well and since the Rules are of 1994 this may indicate it to be a re-issue. On the other hand it may also mean this to be the first issue despite the Registration was already in 1985.

There is an error found on the game board, in the Prison corner: Instead of En prison it only says En   .
A small part of the innerbox contains a white plastic tray the Banker can use to store his 7 banknotes. Otherwise it is used to store all attributes. The larger part of the box is filled with a red carboard showing the word Monopoly in white, the dice, houses and hotels and a few of the tokens. 
The 7 banknotes are printed in black on colored paper.  
The illustrated Chance cards are
red and the Community Chest ones are yellow.
The metal tokens are silver colored.

This edition is "Fabriqué aux É.-U." (Made in the United States.)



Atlantic City Deluxe Edition, 1996.Edition: Deluxe Edition- Atlantic City, Réf. CB00011
              "Bilingual version - Version Bilingue"
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Canada Inc. - 1996
Dimensions of the box: 25.7 x 51 x 7.8 cm
The game:
The appearance of this colorful Deluxe edition is luxury indeed. However, its quality isn't: the box is far too soft for its shape and will therefore easily been damaged.
Mr. Monopoly (from now on Uncle Pennybags changed his name!) makes his presence felt on the lid, showing his new red bow tie
Note that the dice on the lid of this edition show 2 and 3.

The innerbox contains 2 dark blue, soft plastic trays: one as banker's tray with altogether 11 holes and one, containing the even darker blue carousel for the title deeds remaining under control of the banker, with an additional 4 holes.
The bottom side shows a color picture of the game board with all its accessories displayed on a chic dark red cloth.

There are 2 sets of the very standard title deeds (76x67 mm) and the both sides nicely illustrated, little Chance and Community Chest cards (45x77 mm): one in French and one in English. 
There are 11 gold colored tokens, including that nice Monopoly train. The banknotes (52x100 mm) are printed in black on colored paper. Underneath the figures in the circle it says deluxe edition.
The dark green houses and slightly higher than regular, red hotels are made of wood.
Both dice, packed together with the tokens but sealed separately, are white with black pips. 

The price of this set amounted to CND$ 45.60  (€ 30.-) April 1999.

USA-Atlantic City ref.00009 van 1998.Edition: Standard - Atlantic City - English, Ref.00009
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Can.Inc. - 1998
Dimensions of the box: 26.8 x 40.3 x 5.3 cm
of the double folded board: 25.2 x 25.2 cm
The game:
This is the first time the long box for the standard edition has been replaced by the new, all over the world applied standard sized box.
The fresh white box shows the red bar and a part of the fourth side of the board on the cover. 
This new box does not contain yet a newly designed plastic tray insert with slots for the banknotes and title cards of the banker with a prepared space for the double folded square board like in the corresponding European boxes with ref.nr. 14535. That is why the double folded board doesn't lay tight in its box. The banker's tray is but a simple narrow white plastic insert with but 5 slots, next to a blue green cardboard insert showing the FAQ's.

The board's back side is blue and the play side is blue green. The copyright line is in French on top the first side of the board, while the English version is along side 3. This is the indication this game of American origine is also sold in Canada. This copyright still mention "Rich Uncle Pennybags".

Note that the dice on the lid of this edition show 3 and 6.
Left from the red Monopoly bar is a yellow square saying "Plan a Family Game Night", while on the right the additional Moneybag token is showed.

The small (45x 78 mm), illustrated Chance cards are orange while the Community Chest cards are yellow.
The banknotes are printed in black on colored paper and are in denominations of : 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 and 500. The 11 pewter tokens are resp.: thimble - wheelbarrow - boat - iron - shoe - dog - rider on rocking horse - car - cannon - hat and money bag. 
The plastic houses have a chimney, the hotels as well.
Both dice are white with black pips.

This edition is "Fabriqué aux É.-U. avec dés et jetons fabriqués en Chine."



3D Puzzle, made in Canada - 1998.Edition: Puzz 3D - Monopoly - Atlantic City, Ref.41062
              "Build It - Then Play It!"
Publisher: Parker Bros/Hasbro/Wrebbit Inc.-St-Laurent -1998
Dimensions of the box: 10.0 x 33.2 x 43.5 cm
The game:
This Canada made Monopoly game is an interesting one. The Atlantic City design of the game board is this time made as a puzzle consisting of 755 sturdy foam-backed pieces (an ample plastic bag full), thus creating f.e. a raised centre of the game board. The assembly instructions are bilingual, but the Rules are in English only.
The raised centre of the board creates a nicely painted entrance of each of the Railroad spaces. The Banker's tray is also composed of blue puzzle pieces. A large green house and red hotel serve as storage for the game pieces.

A small blue cardboard box (19.1x14.0x5.1 cm) with the 13 F.A.Q.'s is richly illustrated with pictures of Rich Uncle Pennybags. It contains all attributes as there are: the standard banknotes - the ten standard metal tokens - hollow plastic houses and hotels with central chimney - all property deeds - the small orange Chance and yellow Community Chest cards, nicely illustrated with funny Rich Uncle Pennybags pictures and both white dice with black pips.

The price of the set amounted to US$ 33.- (= € 25.80) July 2000.


Bilingual NHL edition, ref.nr.CB 77908.Edition: NHL (National Hockey Legue), Ref.CB 77908
              Collector's Edition/Édition pour collectionneurs
Publisher: Parker Bros./USAopoly/Hasbro Canada, Inc. - 1999  
Dimensions of the box: 26.8 x 40.3 x 5.3 cm
of the double folded board: 25.2 x 25.2 cm
The game:
This set is from the collection of David Miller - UK.

This edition is bilingual and includes all 30 NHL teams, as the yellow puck on the lid says. 
The lid has the appearance of the standard editions, viz. showing the red Monopoly bar and a part of the fourth side with Go in the lower part. It even shows the dice with 3 and 6.

From Go onwards all spaces are: 

San Jose Sharks - Eastern NHL Conference/Conference de l'est LNH - Carolina Hurricanes - Droits de Franchise $200 - Expansion Class of 2000 - Blue Jackets (in a logo) / Minnesota Wild - Colorado Avalanche - Western NHL Conference/Conference de L'ouest LNH - Edmonton Oilers - Pheonix Coyotes - Jail - New Jersey Devils - ESPN2 - Washington Capitals - Calgary Flames - Expansion Class of 1998-99 - Nashville Predators/ Atlanta Thrashers - New York Islanders - Eastern NHL Conference/Conference de l'est LNH - Buffalo Sabres - Vancouver Cannucks - Free Parking - Dallas Stars - Western NHL Conference/Conference de L'ouest LNH - Los Angeles Kings - Philladelphia Flyers - Expansin Class of 1993 - Florida Panthers/ Mighty Ducks - Pittsburgh Penguins - St. Louis Blues - ABC Sports - Chicago Blackhawks - Go to jail - Detroit Wings - New York Rangers - Eastern NHL Conference/Conference de l'est LNH - Boston Bruins - Expansion Class of 1992 - Senators/ Tampa Bay Lightnings - Western NHL Conference/Conference de L'ouest LNH - Montreal Canadiens - PENALTY/Penalite and Toronto Maple Leafs.

The bottom shows a color picture of the game board and all its attributes, next to a story of this edition.
The 7 banknotes are printed in black on colored paper in the denominations of: 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 and 500
In lieu of the houses and hotels there are 32 orange luxury boxes and 12 black arenas.  
The 8 tokens are pewter: pair of skates - puck - player - Goalie - Goalie's mask - net - Zamboni and glove.

This edition was manufactured in the USA.



Edition: Canadian Edition Canadienne, ref.nr. C77100
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Canada - 2000
Dimensions of the box: 51.0 x 25.6 x 7.8 cm
The game:
Toronto Stars of Oct.20 - 2000.The Toronto Star of Friday Oct. 20 - 2000 unveils the reason of the introduction of this new Canadian edition: the World Championship Tournament 2000 held in Toronto.

This may also be the reason of its De Luxe design, although it isn't said so. It also may be the reason why certain properties of the 1982 version have been changed (see on top) although I do not see any correlation.

Both Rules/Règles booklets start explaining:
"The thirteen flags appearing on the box cover of your Monopoly® Canadian Edition represent the 10 Canadian provinces and the three Canadian territories."

Second bilingual Canadian, version-2000.It is more than likely the lanscape picture on the lid to be a composition of landmarks of the cities of this game from the east coast to the west coast, but who can name them all for me?
The bottom of the box shows a nice color picture of the game board with all accessories, including the banker's tray (blue on that picture but red in reallity) and the carousel for the banker's property deeds. There is a second red square insert to hold the carousel, cards and property deeds.
The 7 banknotes are printed in black on colored paper. The denominations are in the same color as in the earlier edition: 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 and 500. However, their design is different: In the centre is a maple leave and to it's left and right is a space showing the name of the sponsor Royal Bank.
The bilingual Provincial cards are red while the Federal cards are yellow, both showing the same skyline picture as of the lid. They all show funny drawings with Mr. Monopoly (as Rich Uncle Pennybags will be called from 2000 onwards). 
The text on some of these cards have been adapted to the Canadian situation, like:

Visit Niagara Falls - Pay $100/Visitez les Chutes Niagara - Payez 100 $ 

Receive for snow removal $ 25/Vous obtenez 25 $ pour le déneigement

You strike oil in Alberta - Collect $200/Vous découvrez du pétrole en Alberta - Réclamez 200 $

Take a ride on Royal Canadian Pacific - If you pass Go collect $200/Voyagez par le chemin de fer Royal Canadien Pacifique - Si vous passez Go réclamez 200 $.

Go whale watching in New Brunswick - Advance to Waterloo Row - If you pass Go collect $200/ Allez observer les baleines au Nouveau-Brunswick - Avancez à la case Waterloo Row - Si vous passez Go, réclamez 200 $

The property deeds are with their sizes of 67x76 mm somewhat broader but shorter than usual.
The dark green houses and high (!) red hotels are of wood. The 8 pewter tokens are all typical Canadian, viz.: Moose - Ski Plane - Bear - Hockey Player - Winter Boot - Sled - Canoe and Train.
Both dice are red with white pips.



Book-USA-2000.Edition: Atlantic City - Book shape, no ref.nr.
              Limited Collector's Ed. (numbered)
Publisher:  Parker Brothers/Hasbro Inc. - 2000
Dimensions of the book: 20.8 x 29.3 x 6.5 cm
The game:
This "Book" is of my own collection and bears the No. 422 
of 10,000. It is an edition of Hasbro's "Classics Library".

The nice look of the game board as well as the presentation 
of the paperwork of the property deeds, Chance- and Community Chest cards and banknotes is indeed the best expressed by the way the preface of the book says: 
"... tastefully restored with ornate graphics and the rich look of fine hand-made paper".
The game board with blue back had to be folded three times to get it fit in the book. Since the copyright line is both in English and French this set was destined to be sold in Canada as well.
Inside the "book" is a black, flocked banker's tray consisting of 2 sections: one for the small (5.2x10.0 cm) redesigned banknotes and one with 3 holes, to store the wooden houses and hotels, cards, property deeds, dice and tokens. There is an additional carboard jacket for the banker in this set: a blue portfolio for the unsold property deeds.
The 11 gold colored pewter tokens are resp.: thimble - wheelbarrow - boat - iron - shoe - dog - rider on rocking horse - car - cannon - hat and money bag. 
Both dice are white with black pips.



Nostalgia-40753.Edition: Atlantic City, Ref. 40753
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Can.Corp. - 2001
Dimensions of the case: 26.3 x 26.3 x 5.3 cm
The game:
Hasbro succeeded once more to make a gain for a collector with this nice-edition-in-a-wooden-case. As well on the push out lid as on 1 of the surfaces of the twice folded game board and the midfield of the board is the engine of the 1957 US-edition.

When the game board has been taken out the the box a "banker's tray" remains with 6 holes to store the wooden houses and hotels, the property deeds and tokens, while notches in the partitions serve as holders for the remarkable small (43x96mm) banknotes.
Because of their sepia background the property deeds (68x77mm) have a very refined look. The small (45x76 mm) Chance-  and  Community Chest cards are nicely illustrated again. 
The 6 tokens (locomotive - thimble - hat - shoe - dog en racing car) are bronzy. 
The 2 small (6x6x6 mm) dice are ivory with black pips.
The only English Rules are also "from the past", i.a. printed on a long, narrow folded paper.

The whole edition was "Made in China" but distributed as well in the USA as in Canada.

The price of this set amounted to US$ 20.- (= € 15.60) January 2005.



Possumopoly - 2003.Edition: Possumopoly
Publisher: Board Silly Games of Missisauga, Ontario - 2003
Dimensions of the box: 50 x 25.5 cm
The game:
This edtion is from the collection of Mason Jardine - Russell, Manitoba - CND.

This game "Possumopoly", is based on the Canadian television show "
The Red Green show" and was made by the Canadian company Board Silly Games.  
Also see the official
Red Green site: http://www.redgreen.com

For those who are not Canadian  Mason explains:

"The man with the beard on the lid is actor Steve Smith who plays a character called Red Green.  Green is his last name; he is Mr. Green. "Red" is a common nickname for people with red hair; Red is his first name. Of course the name is a joke because of the contradiction between the names. You will note that one of his suspenders is green and another is red, and this same Mexican/Italian colour scheme is used in the border around the game name. Red is the operator of a Lodge in the fictional backwoods Canadian town of Possum Lake, and is famous for solving mechanical problems with rolls and rolls of Duct Tape (which he calls "the Handyman's Best Friend").
His assistant, played by actor Patrick McKenna, is his nephew Harold, who is what you'd call a geek or nerd: he dresses in an old-fashioned way, is awkward, has protruding teeth and a laugh that sounds like a goose honking.  Harold is nevertheless the voice of conventional reason: when Red proposes that he can run his car on rocket power by duct taping a propane tank to his car, Harold will tell him that it's very unsafe and dangerous, but Red will try it anyway.  
It's a very very funny show.

Properties represent businesses referred to in the TV show, grouped by type of business into colour groups.  The colour groups are Real Estate, Contractor Biz, Food Biz, Media Mogul, Tourism Biz, Retail Store, Service Biz, and Transportation BizThe railroad squares are called "utilities".

The spaces are from Handyman's Corner onwards:

Brokerage - Handsome or Handy - Kevin Black Developer - Business Tax $95 - Utilities Telephone Company - Plumber - Duct Tape Fix - Arnie Doogen Roofer - Painter - Nature Calls (outhouse=jail) - Jim Barton's Donuts - Possum Van Lodge Lift - Flapjack's Pancake House - Cattleman's Steakhouse - Utilities Hydro Electric Company - Television Broadcasting,- Handsome or Handy - News Papers - Broadcasting - Braxton's Marina Free Parking - Possum Lake Canoe Rentals - Duct Tape Fix - Possum Lake Cottage Rentals - Possum Lake Casino - Utilities Waste Management Company - Dalton Humphries Everything Store - Flinty McLintock Scrap Metal - Road Crossing Hazard - Hardware Store - Baked Bean Follie Go to Outhouse - Gas Station - Rothschild's Septic Sucking Service - Handsome or Handy - Buzz Sherwood's Water Taxi - Outsourced Utilities Ranger Gord's Fire Watch - Hap Shaunessy Ferry Boat - Duct Tape Fix - Membership Dues $25 and Dougie Franklin's Trucking.

There are some peculiar things about this game: the prices for the Ferry Boat and Trucking Co. are given as $210 and $325 instead of $350 and $400, which must be a misprint.  
and Community Chest are "Duct Tape Fix" and "Handsome or Handy". 
The tokens are plastic motorboats, the houses cardboard discs meant to represent rolls of duct tape and the hotels brown plastic buildings meant to represent outhouses. 

The price of this set amounted to CND$ 24.95
(= € 19.95) July 2006.



Atlantic City English board-2004.Edition: Standard - Atlantic City - English, Ref.00009
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Can.Corp. - 2004
Dimensions of the box: 26.8 x 40.3 x 5.3 cm
of the double folded board: 25.2 x 25.2 cm
The game:
The only two differences compared with the issue of 8 years earlier are to be found on the lid and in the copyright line on the game board:

Mr. Monopoly is running like a burglar over the 4th side of 
the board. Blocks of N.Y. buildings in the background.

As to be expected after the year 2000: "Rich Uncle Pennybags" is now "Mr. Monopoly".

However, the poor content of the innerbox is still the same: a simple white plastic holder with 5 slots as a banker's tray and the cardboard insert with FAQ's. So the double folded game board is still not fixed.
In order to be able to compare the streets of Atlantic City in English and French I repeat them here:

From Go onwards they are:

Mediterranean Avenue - Baltic Avenue - Reading Railroad - Oriental Avenue - Vermont Avenue - Connecticut Avenue - In Jail/Just visiting - St.Charles Place - Electric Company - States Avenue - Virginia Avenue - Pennsylvania Railroad - St.James Place - Tennessee Avenue - New York Avenue - Free Parking - Kentucky Avenue - Indiana Avenue - Illinois Avenue - B.& O. Railroad - Atlantic Avenue - Ventnor Avenue - Water Works - Marvin Gardens - Go to Jail - Pacific Avenue - North Carolina Avenue - Pennsylvania Avenue - Short Line - Park Place and Boardwalk.

This edition was "Made in U.S.A. with dice and tokens made in China."

The price of this set amounted to CND$ 27.95 (= € 19,-) July 2006.



Standard Atlantic City in French.Edition: Standard - Atlantic City - French, Ref. C00010
Publisher: Parker Brothers/Hasbro Can.Corp. - 2004 
Dimensions of the box: 26.8 x 40.3 x 5.3 cm
of the double folded board: 25.2 x 25.2 cm
The game:
This edition is owned by Mike McGuire - Salt Lake City - USA.
The design of this French version is an exact copy of the English edition, both manufactured in America.

The absolute only difference is that everything is in French, reason why it may be interesting to show how the Atlantic City streets read in French:

From Go onwards they are:

Avenue de la - Avenue de la Baltique - Chemin de fer Reading - Avenue de l'Orient  - Chance - Avenue Vermont  - Avenue Connecticut - En prison/En visite - Place St-Charles - Compagnie d'électricité - Avenue des États-Unis - Avenue Virginia - Chemin de fer - Place St-Jacques - Caise Commune - Avenue Tennessee - Avenue New York - Stationnement Gratuite - Avenue Kentucky - Chance - Avenue Indiana - Avenue Illinois - Chemin de fer B.& O. - Avenue Atlantic - Avenue Ventnor - Aqueduc - Jardins Marvin - Allez en Prison - Avenue Pacifique - Avenue Caroline du Nord - Caise Commune - Avenue Pennsylvanie - Chemin de fer Petit Rédeau - Chance - Place du Parc and Promenade.

This set was "Fabriqué aux É.-U." 



Coctailopoly from L4TS.Edition: Coctailopoly, b.c. 05035
Publisher: © Late for The Sky Prod.Comp. - USA - 2004
Dimensions of the box: 26.0 x 50.2 cm
The game:
This edtion is from the collection of Mason Jardine - Russell, Manitoba - CND.
This game is, as can be understood, for "Adult players ages 21 and up".

Chance and Community Chest are "Twist" and "Garnish", stations are types of glasses, Utilities are a cocktail shaker and a blender, properties are, of course, different cocktails.  The title deeds have the recipes for the various cocktails printed on the back.

The spaces are from Cheers! onwards:

Shirley Temple - Twist - Beach Blanket Bingo - Bartending School Pay $200 - Stemmed Glass - Kamikaze - Garnish - B-52 - Sex on the Beach - Hangover (Jail) - Irish Coffee - Shaker - Bloody Mary- Screwdriver - Rocks Glass - Bailey's Comet - Twist - Dirty Harry - Beam Me Up Scotty - Happy Hour (Free Parking) - Jamaica Me Crazy - Garnish - Cranium Meltdown - Zombie - Tumbler - Pina Colada - Frozen Daquiri - Blender - Margarita - Go To Hangover - Tom Collins - Long Island Iced Tea - Twist - Cosmopolitan - Shot Glass - Manhattan - Garnish - Bar Tab Pay $75 and Martini.

The 6 tokens are: lemon slice - olive on a stick - cherry - martini glass - ice bucket and soda siphon.  
are clear plastic ice cubes, hotels are red plastic decanters.

The price of this set amounted to CND$ 24.95 (= € 19.95) July 2006.



Canadian Here-and-Now, 2006, bottom of the box.Edition: The Here & Now Limited Edition, Ref. 00402
Publisher: Parker Bros./Hasbro - 2006 
Dimensions of the box: 27.0 x 40.2 x 6.5 cm
The game: 
Strange enough this 70th anniversary edition was issued in the US and Canada more than 1½ year later than in Germany and other European countries. Was the German issue a "try out" perhaps? Even this Canadian edition was published before the US one.

The motto for this edition was for all countries "What would Monopoly be like if it were invented today?". 
Some countries used this motto for the title of the edition, like France with "Et si Monopoly était inventé aujourd'hui? (see also chapter www.muurkrant.nl/monopoly/france_-_2005_-_New_streets.htm). Other countries used the name Here and Now like in England, Itt és most! in Hungary and different like the Van Dam tot Dom in the Netherlands.
In this new version the streets have been substituted by very well-known (large) objects like buildings, stadiums and monuments as
Niagara Falls, Perce Rock and Yorkville in this Canadian edition. The amounts have been made "contemporary" as well. So you will not collect $ 200 over Go, but 
$ 2 million instead so a factor 10,000 more. However everything is correspondingly more expensive: The purchase price for a station became f.e. $ 2 million.

The price of this edition amounted to CND$ 38.95 (= € 26.50) July 2006.



USA Here & Now edition, 2006.Edition: Here & Now (USA), Ref. 00402
"America has voted"
Publisher: Parker Bros./Hasbro - Sept. 2006 
Dimensions of the box: 27.0 x 40.2 x 6.5 (?)cm
The game:
While in other countries over the world the "Here and Now" edition was launched as the 70th anniversary issue it wasn't so in America. That was because Hasbro-USA had made a special anniversary set in a tin, under ref.nr.42377, published in 2005.

In the spring of 2006, Hasbro-USA asked people to vote online to help choose the new properties. These votes determined which landmarks from 22 pre-determined cities made it onto the board, as well as the location of the landmarks on the board.
While some versions of Here & Now, such as the U.K. and Canada, were published earlier, the U.S. edition was released not until September 2006.

All properties are from Go onwards:

Jacobs Field, Cleveland - Texas Stadium, Dallas - O'hare International Airport - Grand Ole Opry, Nashville - Gateway Arch,St.Louis - Mall of America, Minneapolis - In Jail - Centennial Olympic Park, Atlanta - Cell phone Service - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Denver - Liberty Bell, Philadelphia - Los Angeles International Airport - South Beach, Miami - Johnson Space Center, Houston - Pioneer Square, Seattle - Free Parking - Camelback Mtn, Phoenix - Waikiki Beach, Honolulu - Disney World, Orlando - John F. Kennedy International Airport - French Quarter, New Orleans - Hollywood, Los Angeles - Internet Service - Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco - Go to Jail - Las Vegas Blvd., Las VegasWrigley Field, Chicago- The White House, Washington, D.C. - Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport - Fenway Park, Boston and Times Square, New York.

The 7 tokens are: hybrid Toyota Prius car - New Balance sneaker - Labradoodle dog - labtop computer - McDonald's French Fries - Motorola RAZR cell phone and an airplane. 

Monopoly Here & Now was available for a suggested retail price of US$29.99 (= € 23.40).



BanffopolyEdition: BANFFOPOLY
Publisher: Custom Games & Packaging Ltd. - Langley B.C.
Illustrations by Bernard Nurit - ca. 1993
Dimensions of the box: 24 x 46.4 cm
The game:
This is the first sets of games I've ever met, mentioning the illustrator is so explicitely on the lid and the game board. Good idea.
Banff is a town in the west part of Canada. The game is bilingual: English and Japanese, because Japanese tourists make up a huge percentage of Banff's business.
At the properties the Japanese text is written outside the field, along the board edge. The Japanese influence also appears from the "street" Sukiyaki House, Japanese Cuisine. Banff appears to be a very touristic town with as well snow as water attractions as is clearly shown by the illustration on the lid.
The board is white and has a black back. The properties are here local businesses and have exactly the same colors as in Monopoly. They are build on with green, plastic retail outlets and blue, plastic office towers.
Chance and Community Chest are here Assets and Futures. Even the cards of these piles, as well their size as the illustrations, remind of the world-famous game. A few of the instructions on these cards: 

The Banff Springs hotel is fully booked. Advance token to Chateau Lake Louise

30 cm new snow! All players advance to Lake Louise ski area. Everyone collect $ 200

Interesting is the fact that the Futures stack contains 2 redeemable coupons for 15% off at a giftshop and The Shirt Company. It is amazing that the Jail is here "replaced" by the very large and luxurous hotel Chateau Lake Louise. Also here one can only get out with a "free pass" or by spending $ 200 in the renowned Chateau Lake Louise Shopping Mall.
The banknotes are rather plain pieces of paper with value denotation. There are but 4 plastic tokens.
The first player to go bankrupt ends the game. The wealthiest player wins.



Publisher: Custom Games & Packaging Ltd. - Langley B.C.
                   Illustrations by Michael Fromberg - ±1993
Dimensions of the box: 24 x 46.4 cm
The game:
Also this game has nice and funny illustrations on the cover and the board and is also bilingual again. But now it is in English and French.
The game side of the board is white while the back is black. The properties can be built on with green retail outlets (the houses) and red towers (the hotels). The Chance and Community Chest cards are called here Hunters and Jumpers of the Sprudge Meadows race track. Also these cards are nicely illustrated. The banknotes however are very poor, although they now wear the mention Royal Bank - Calgaryopoly.

The price amounted to CDN$ 26.74 July 1993.


As far as I know 2 other city games were issued by this manufacturer, viz.:




Toronto - L4TS, ±1997.Edition: Toronto In-a-Box, b.c. 00187
Publisher: © Late for the Sky Prod. Comp.- USA - ±1997
Dimensions of the box: 26.0 x 50.2 cm
The game:
Since 1984 the independent US-publisher "Late for The Sky Production Company" is producing college games. These games began as a college project of Robyn Wilson, company president, while a student at Miami University. However, since about 1990 they also manufacture specialty- and city games based on well choosen topics. This company has no connections whatsoever with Parker Brothers/Hasbro, Inc..

The lid is richly and colorful illustrated with Toronto landmarks. The bottom of the box shows the whole game board and some cards, next to the selling story.
Inside the box is a white thin plastic insert with but 7 holes for the banknotes only.
The back side of the game board is light blue

From Taxi onwards all spaces are:

The Subway - Big Fun! - Union Station - Property Tax - China Town - Honest Ed's - Contingency - Metro Toronto Zoo - Casa Loma - Traffic Jam/Detour - Kensington Market - Cabbagetown - Little Italy - Queen Street West - Toronto Islands - Big Fun! - The Ex - Universaty of Toronto - Lake Ontario - Maple leaf Gardens - Contingency - Air Canada Centre - Skydome - Greektown - Ontario Toronto's CN tower. Science Center - Princess of Wales Theatre - Canada Geese - Royal Ontario Museum - Exit to Traffic Jam - High Park - New City Hall - Big Fun! - Harbourfront - Yorkville - Financial District - Contingency - Car Fine and CN Tower.

The mid-spaces of all sides are illustrated with a black maple leaf.

The title deeds (6.7x8.1 cm) are white on both sides. Instead of Chance- and Community Chest cards there are Contingency- and Big Fun! cards of 4.5x7.8 cm. Some of the instructions on these funny illustrated cards say:

Money machine goes berserk! - Collect $ 200.

Toronto vs New York - Advance to the Skydome (= the Toronto stadium).

1815 feet to the top! - Advance to CN Tower.

Caravan! - All tokens advance to Harbourfront. If owned, all tokens pay rent.

Instead of houses and hotels this game has 32 grey plastic Skyline Sections in 4 different shapes and 12 gold keys.
The 7 "Late For The Sky" banknotes (5.4x10.4 cm) are printed in black on colored paper. Their denominations are: 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 and 500.
The 6 metal tokens are: fish - dolphin (?) - fishing boat - handshoe - streetcar  and of course the world famous CN tower.

Both dice are white with black pips.



Canada-opoly from L4TS.Edition: Canada-oply, no ref.nr.
Publisher: © Late for The Sky Prod.Comp. - USA - ±2006
Dimensions of the box: 26.0 x 50.2 cm
The game:
This is an other edition published by the makers of the Toronto-In-a-Box edition, I came across at their site while I was working on this chapter. 
Unfortunately L4TS did not react on my questions, but since this edition looks typical Canadian I feel you should know of its exsistance. 
I hope this edition is bi-lingual, but I don't know. This is what I found on the maker's site:

"Canada-opoly is a property trading game designed just for hockey loving, maple syrup chugging, board game adoring Canadians. Buy your favourite Canadian properties then collect Log Cabins and trade them in for Ski Chalets. Sounds easy enough but add a snow storm, GST, too much figgy duff and an angry moose and it becomes a little more difficult – and a lot more fun!"

The price of this set was US$ 24.95 October 2006.



albert c. veldhuis
Zoetermeer - The Netherlands
e-mail: worldofmonopoly@gmail.com